There are several command line options in PNotes:
  1. x - will close current PNotes instance
  2. s - when using with x, will close PNotes instance in silent mode, saving all unsaved notes without prompting, if appropriate option ("Save all on exit") is selected on Preferences window (Misc tab)
  3. n - when using with x will close PNotes instance without saving any unsaved note, overriding all preferences settings
  4. -conf or -config - allows to define configuration file (Notes.ini) path, data folder path another than default (the default is application folder) and external launcher path (if any presented, for example PortableApps launcher). The command line may or may not include the configuration file name. If there is no such file the new one will be created.
"C:\PNotes\PNotes.exe" -xs
"C:\PNotes\PNotes.exe" -conf "C:\Documents and Settings\Configuration"
"C:\PNotes\PNotes.exe" -conf "C:\Documents and Settings\Configuration" "C:\Documents and Settings\Data"
"C:\PNotes\PNotes.exe" -conf "" "C:\Documents and Settings\Data"
"C:\PNotes\PNotes.exe" -conf "C:\Documents and Settings\Configuration" "C:\Documents and Settings\Data" "C:\PortablePNotes\PortablePNotes.exe"
The first path - configuration file location - is required. If you want to use the default location, send empty string - "". The second and third paths - data folder name and external launcher - are optional.
In case of -conf or -config switch, the program will not check other switches.